
North Brookfield spawns another entrepreneur

By Peter S. Cohan WALL & MAIN When I was growing up in Worcester, I had never even heard of North Brookfield. But in the last few years, I have learned of two interesting startups founded by natives of the 4,626-citizen Worcester County town. All I need is one...

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Tom Gardner

Tom Gardner is the speaker for the 537th Worcester Economic Club meeting on May 13, 2015. Gardner serves as the lead advisor on Motley Fool One — the company’s all-access service. He manages The Everlasting Portfolio, committed to holding every investment for more...

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Stephen Dubner

Stephen Dubner is the speaker for the 537th Worcester Economic Club meeting on April 7, 2015. Dubner is an award-winning author, journalist, and radio and TV personality. He is best-known for writing, along with the economist Steven D. Levitt, Freakonomics(2005) and...

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Robin Chase

Robin Chase is the speaker for the 536th Worcester Economic Club meeting on March 4, 2015.  Chase co-founded the car-sharing company, Zipcar, in 2000 and turned it into a multi-million dollar “green” company. Chase has received numerous awards in the fields of...

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Aaron Portnoy

Aaron Portnoy is the speaker for the 535th Worcester Economic Club meeting on November 19, 2014. Aaron Portnoy, a world-renowned computer security expert, is featured on the July 21, 2014 cover of TIME Magazine’s “World War Zero: How Hackers Fight to Steal Your...

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