North Brookfield spawns another entrepreneur
By Peter S. Cohan WALL & MAIN When I was growing up in Worcester, I had never even heard of North Brookfield. But in the last few years, I have learned of two interesting startups founded by natives of the 4,626-citizen Worcester County town. All I need is one...
Expert walks Worcester through the economics of internet secrets
In the world of cyber security, an entire industry has materialized around selling information about vulnerabilities in programs, alternately offering the ability to protect against these flaws in the programs and allowing them to be used as cyber weapons. "You can...
Cyberdefender who cut his teeth in Worcester sounds alarm on hackers
WORCESTER — Cyberattacks are in the news, with recent headlines describing security breaches by hackers targeting State Department and White House computers, the U.S. energy grid, and major retailers. Time magazine writes: "The Internet is a battlefield, the prize is...

Portnoy Announces Topic for November 19 Worcester Economic Club Meeting
The Worcester Economic Club (WEC) is proud to announce Aaron Portnoy, a world-renowned computer security expert, as the November 19, 2014 speaker for the 2014-2015 WEC Speaker Series. Portnoy was featured on the July 21, 2014 cover of TIME Magazine’s “World War Zero:...

‘Stay the course,’ advises UBS strategist before Economic Club meeting
By Mark Sullivan CORRESPONDENT WORCESTER — A leading stock market expert here to address the Worcester Economic Club on Tuesday night had a simple message for investors: "Stay the course." Mike Ryan, chief investment strategist for UBS Wealth Management Americas, said...
Award-Winning Freakonomics Author to Speak at Worcester Economic Club
Online PR News – 11-September-2014 – Worcester, Mass. – The Worcester Economic Club (WEC) is pleased to announce Stephen Dubner, award-winning co-author of Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything, as the April 2015 speaker for the...
Tom Gardner
Tom Gardner is the speaker for the 537th Worcester Economic Club meeting on May 13, 2015. Gardner serves as the lead advisor on Motley Fool One — the company’s all-access service. He manages The Everlasting Portfolio, committed to holding every investment for more...
Stephen Dubner
Stephen Dubner is the speaker for the 537th Worcester Economic Club meeting on April 7, 2015. Dubner is an award-winning author, journalist, and radio and TV personality. He is best-known for writing, along with the economist Steven D. Levitt, Freakonomics(2005) and...
Robin Chase
Robin Chase is the speaker for the 536th Worcester Economic Club meeting on March 4, 2015. Chase co-founded the car-sharing company, Zipcar, in 2000 and turned it into a multi-million dollar “green” company. Chase has received numerous awards in the fields of...
Aaron Portnoy
Aaron Portnoy is the speaker for the 535th Worcester Economic Club meeting on November 19, 2014. Aaron Portnoy, a world-renowned computer security expert, is featured on the July 21, 2014 cover of TIME Magazine’s “World War Zero: How Hackers Fight to Steal Your...