About The Worcester Economic Club
The Worcester Economic Club is an association of professional men and women in the Worcester County area. The Club’s objective is to provide a forum for the discussion of economic, civic, educational, and sociological subjects of interest to our membership. The Club is non-political, non-partisan, and non-profit. The Club promotes no agenda, and it takes no sides on issues. As such, we invite a broad range of speakers who are chosen for distinction and timeliness. Over the years our prestigious speaking series has included economists, public officials, foreign dignitaries, business leaders, educators, journalists, and authors. The Worcester Economic Club is also known as one of the best networking forums in the region. It is a great place to greet friends, renew acquaintances and make new contacts. Our meetings and dinner programs typically occur four times a year. Members of The Worcester Economic Club partake in and contribute to a better-informed Worcester. If you are interested in club membership, please view our membership options.